
Dispatch from Denver: Eddy and Maria

| Oct 18, 2011

Over the weekend, Sara and I delivered lawn signs to nearly every corner of Denver. We were over by the Santa Fe art district, up by the Denver Zoo and down by the University of Denver. Thankfully, the weather was gorgeous and Sara is an excellent navigator.

We were in south Denver delivering signs when we met paid sick days supporters Eddy and Maria. They were sitting on their porch enjoying the beautiful fall weather and watching their two girls play with their dog. They watched us drop off a sign to a neighbor across the street, and then drive up the block and back before we realized that they were our next stop. They laughed at us and gladly posed for a picture for the two lost girls from D.C.

Initiative 300 depends on good-hearted, compassionate supporters like Eddy and Maria. They understood the importance of paid sick days in protecting the health of their community and families like theirs. With all of the opposition literature and scare tactics we’re seeing from the business lobby, it is all too easy for voters to lose sight of what is really at stake in this election. I hope that with our hard work to raise awareness, and the votes of people like Eddy and Maria, Denver families will get the paid sick days standard they need.