
What the Family and Medical Leave Act has meant for U.S. women – Fast Company

“Women have been expected to take on [caregiving] and handle it without complaint and largely without support,” says Jocelyn Frye, president of the National Partnership. “The Family and Medical Leave Act rejected the premise that it‚Äôs a woman’s lot in life to do that work. Instead, what the FMLA said is that all workers have some sort of care need, and we need to be able to ensure that those folks can take time off and come back to their jobs.”

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Passing Paid Leave Just Got One Step Closer – Glamour

Jocelyn Frye, the president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, says: “The FMLA was a groundbreaking step forward, but our work is not done. We cannot continue to ignore the care needs of workers and their families. Our nation’s leaders need to step up and make the choice to enact policies that enable workers to do their jobs and care for their families without putting their livelihoods at risk.”

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