
How Much Does It Actually Cost to Give Birth? – The Cut

“The point is, don’t freak out over the five-digit bills that show up at first. ‘Those commercial charges are basically a ruse,’ says Carol Sakala, the director of Childbirth Connection programs at the National Partnership for Women & Families. ‘Our research found that hospitals charged over $32,000 for a vaginal birth, on average, but the actual amount paid by the insurance company, the mother, and any other third parties added up to about $18,000. Meanwhile, the out-of-pocket cost is much, much less.'”

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Project 2025 Is Twisting Disability Rights Law to Attack Abortion – Mother Jones

“The premise of Severino’s claims, says Marissa Ditkowsky, the National Partnership for Women & Families’ disability economic justice counsel, is a fabrication.

‘It’s always concerning when people repeat medical myths to score political points,’ Ditkowsky says. ‘It’s even more concerning when disabled people are used as a political football without consulting or truly centering us.'”

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