National Partnership for Women & Families President Debra Ness, one of the nation’s top health care experts, will testify Monday at the Senate Finance Committee’s “Prepare for Launch: Health Care Reform Summit 2008” hosted by Chairman Max Baucus and Ranking Member Chuck Grassley. Ness will discuss the urgent need for payment reform and the imperative to improve quality of care as the nation consider options for health care reform.
The Health Reform Summit 2008 will be an all-day event, with bi-partisan leaders and health policy experts discussing a variety of health care topics. Ness will testify at:
11 AM, Monday, June 16, 2008
Madison Building, Pickford Theater, Third Floor
Library of Congress
Washington, D.C.
47 million Americans are uninsured today, health insurance premiums are increasing at a rate much higher than wage increases, and research shows that Americans have only a 50/50 chance of getting the right health care at the right time. The National Partnership is working to expand access to high quality, affordable health care through comprehensive reforms in how we deliver and pay for care. The National Partnership supports realigning the payment system to encourage better quality, more patient-centered care and to ensure more effective use of health care resources.
NOTE: Media interested in covering the event should contact Carol Guthrie (Baucus) or Jill Kozeny (Grassley) at 202/224-4515