Press Statement
Women’s Health Leader Hails Open Enrollment Period

New and updated fact sheets written by experts at the National Partnership for Women & Families guide women and consumers on how best to navigate state health insurance marketplaces. The fact sheets use plain language to explain upcoming deadlines and what to expect when shopping for a health plan. The resources also provide key questions consumers should ask themselves when choosing a plan, and much more. Some are written specifically for mothers, women of color, and women who are low-income, older or pregnant. Several address aspects of women’s health, including maternity care, family planning services and abortion care.

“The open enrollment period that begins today is a critical opportunity for the nation’s consumers to sign up for health insurance plans that are right for them, compare options, get financial assistance, or re-enroll in the coverage they have,” said Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families. “Millions of people got the health coverage they urgently needed during the first open enrollment period, and millions more can do so during this one. Those who signed up last year need to take steps to continue their coverage. At the National Partnership, we will do all we can to educate the public — and women in particular — about the need to visit the marketplaces during this open enrollment period. Coverage is the gateway to the health care services women and families all across the country need.”

The National Partnership’s new and updated fact sheets address:

“The Affordable Care Act has begun to transform health care in this country and put more women and families on the path to better health,” Ness added. “Because of this law, women are not charged more than men for the same policies, people with pre-existing conditions cannot be denied coverage, and the days when our insurance policies failed us when we needed them most are over. This new open enrollment period is another opportunity for families to benefit from the law and get the coverage they need.”

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About the National Partnership for Women & Families

The National Partnership for Women & Families is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy group dedicated to promoting fairness in the workplace, reproductive health and rights, access to quality, affordable health care and policies that help all people meet the dual demands of work and family.

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