Economic Justice
Washington Gridlock? Maybe Not on These Personal Finance Issues – New York Times

Pregnant Women Are Losing Their Babies on the Job and Many Employers Don’t Care – Working Mother

Sarah Fleisch Fink, general counsel and director of workplace policy for the National Partnership for Women & Families, reminds women to “educate themselves on what protections there might be.” Even if the Pregnancy Discrimination Act can’t help you, “if there’s a Human Resources department, go to HR, or if it’s a unionized workforce, go to your union rep. Find out if people have been accommodated.”

Washington Gridlock? Maybe Not on These Personal Finance Issues – New York Times

How schools are failing working parents — and how some are helping – Washington Post

When it comes to schools providing care, the problem is largely one of funding, says Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women and Families. The federal government, she says, should do more to help. A cohesive federal policy to fund after-school care, rather than what she calls today’s “patchwork” of programs, would “ease the burden on local school districts.”

Washington Gridlock? Maybe Not on These Personal Finance Issues – New York Times

Sen. Marco Rubio shouldn’t ask parents to delay Social Security to get family leave – Sun Sentinel

“We appreciate that Sen. Rubio and Rep. Wagner are looking for a way to provide the paid leave America’s families urgently need,” said the Partnership’s president, Debra L. Ness, “but a program that only covers parents caring for new children, provides no leave for family care and personal medical needs, and forces parents to choose between paid leave and retirement security is absolutely the wrong way to go.”