Economic Justice
Exelon Commits to White House Equal Pay Pledge to Promote Gender Equity in the Workplace – Business Wire – Business Wire

Exelon Commits to White House Equal Pay Pledge to Promote Gender Equity in the Workplace – Business Wire – Business Wire

“We commend Exelon’s dedication to promoting pay equity in the workplace by signing the White House Equal Pay Pledge, and we urge others to follow in the company’s footsteps to strengthen workplace protections for women and advance fair and family friendly policies,” said National Partnership for Women & Families President Debra Ness.

Exelon Commits to White House Equal Pay Pledge to Promote Gender Equity in the Workplace – Business Wire – Business Wire

Family leave, an unexpected election winner? – Boston Globe

“We saw in poll after poll, voters saying this was an issue they cared about,” said Vicki Shabo, vice president of the National Partnership for Women & Families. While many such policies have been supported by progressive candidates for decades, “the fact that it came up in the general election by the Republican candidate was totally unprecedented.”

Exelon Commits to White House Equal Pay Pledge to Promote Gender Equity in the Workplace – Business Wire – Business Wire

McDonald’s Employees Sexually Harassed at Work, According to New Video – Yahoo! Beauty

“This is appalling,” said Sarah Fleisch Fink, director of workplace policy and senior counsel at the organization. “Women in the fast food industry struggle to pay their rent, feed their kids, [and] buy warm clothes in the winter. We must do more to protect them from sexual harassment and ensure their employers take appropriate action when it does occur.”

Exelon Commits to White House Equal Pay Pledge to Promote Gender Equity in the Workplace – Business Wire – Business Wire

Report: States Restricting Abortion Access Don’t Help New Parents Either – Rewire News Group

“When a woman who was denied abortion coverage cannot keep her job because her employer refuses to make reasonable accommodations for her pregnancy–when she has no paid sick days for prenatal appointments or well-baby care–no paid family and medical leave to use after giving birth–the deck is truly stacked against her,” Debra L. Ness, president of National Partnership for Women & Families, said in a statement released with the analysis.