Economic Justice
The United States just hit Equal Pay Day for Black women – The 19th

It’s Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, and it still takes 263 extra days to ‘catch up’ – The Grio

“Black women’s Equal Pay Day this year is based on comparing all Black women workers to all white, non-Hispanic men workers. This is a change from earlier years when we focused on full-time, year-round workers only and that’s what is primarily driving the change in the date,” said Frye. “We and other groups working on equal pay made this shift, which is led by women-of-color-led organizations, in order to be more inclusive of all workers. For example, by shifting to include all workers, instead of limiting to full-time, year-round workers, we included 33 million more women workers in the wage gap calculation.”

The United States just hit Equal Pay Day for Black women – The 19th

Pandemic Prompts More States to Mandate Paid Sick Leave – Pew Trusts

“We believe local governments know their populations better than the state does,” said Vasu Reddy, senior policy counsel for economic justice at the National Partnership for Women and Families, which advocates for paid sick leave. “They are worried if the cities show how popular these policies are, there won’t be an excuse for not passing them at a state level.”

The United States just hit Equal Pay Day for Black women – The 19th

FMLA and Parental Leave in the US – Pregnancy & Newborn

Sharita Gruberg, vice president for economic justice at the National Partnership for Women and Families, the organization that originally drafted the FMLA, explains, “[FMLA] guarantees eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per [12-month period] to care for a newborn or newly adopted child, recover from their own serious health conditions, including pregnancy, or care for a seriously ill family member.”

The United States just hit Equal Pay Day for Black women – The 19th

Nearly one-third of low-income Asian women now live in states with limited abortion access – NBC News

According to new data from the National Partnership for Women & Families and an NBC News analysis, 31% of lower-income Asian women of reproductive age live in states that have banned or are set to ban abortions. With reproductive care becoming harder to access each day, experts say the most vulnerable groups will be the most crippled — and face the starkest consequences.

The United States just hit Equal Pay Day for Black women – The 19th

Unpaid maternity leave takes its toll on women’s savings, survey finds – Boston Business Journal

“Often, policies differ based on state laws or employer-based insurance coverage, but according to the non-profit National Partnership for Women and Families, just 19 percent of workers in the U.S. have access to paid family leave through their employers. A survey conducted by the NPWF found that 84 percent of U.S. voters support a national paid family and medical leave policy that covers all working people to care for a new child; a seriously ill, injured or disabled loved one; or their own health issue.”

The United States just hit Equal Pay Day for Black women – The 19th

EDITORIAL: Better data collection vital in helping close pay inequality gap – The Daily Gazette

“Enhancing the quality of pay data is an essential step to ensuring all workers’ rights, but is particularly necessary because women and workers from communities of color continue to face significant pay disparities,” said Jocelyn C. Frye, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families.

“The work of women of color, in particular, has been persistently devalued for decades. For example, National Partnership research shows that Latinas make just 49 cents for every dollar white, non-Hispanic men are paid — the equivalent of two years of rent.”

The United States just hit Equal Pay Day for Black women – The 19th

The Wage Gap Is Still Very Real, and Its Impact on Women Is Getting Worse – Women’s Wear Daily

Notably, according to the National Partnership for Women and Families’ May 2022 data sheet, the wage gap is often even larger for women of color. The organization’s findings show that while white women earn 73 cents for every dollar a white male earns, Latina women are paid just 49 cents, Black women earn 58 cents, Native American women earn 50 cents, and Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander (AANHPI) women are paid 75 cents.