Reproductive Rights
The Embarrassing State of Parental Leave in the US  – PayScale Career News

Graham introduces ‘historic’ 20-week abortion ban; says no primary politics at play – The Washington Times

“Make no mistake, this legislation is being proposed as a next step by those who aim to overturn Roe v. Wade. It is blatantly unconstitutional, banning abortion before viability and violating women’s fundamental right to make the very personal decision whether or not to continue a pregnancy,’ said Andrea Friedman, director of reproductive health programs at the National Partnership for Women and Families.

The Embarrassing State of Parental Leave in the US  – PayScale Career News

Abortion Coverage For Peace Corps Volunteers Advanced In Senate Bill – Huffington Post

Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families, applauded Shaheen’s efforts in a statement on Thursday. “The Senate Appropriations Committee took a welcome and long-overdue step today toward fair and equal treatment of women who volunteer to serve their country in the Peace Corps by advancing a bill that will give them the same abortion coverage as other women who get their health insurance from the federal government,” she said.