Fair Pay
From Seattle to New York City, Women and Families Need Action on Fair Pay

Fair Pay: What a Difference a Union Makes

On Monday, the country will celebrate Labor Day – a national holiday established to honor the strength of America’s workers and its unions. All workers who are in unions benefit from higher wages, better benefits, retirement security and more – but the union difference for today’s women is especially striking, particularly when it comes to fair pay.

After Four Years, It’s Time for Concrete Action – An Executive Order from President Obama – to Help Reduce the Wage Gap

The Pursuit of Justice is Not Over

Today, the Supreme Court ruled that the women of Wal-Mart cannot proceed as a group as they challenge the company’s discriminatory pay and promotion practices. It was a disappointing day for the women involved in the case and for all of us who are fighting for fair pay and fair opportunities for advancement for America’s women. But today’s decision is not the end.

Election 2012: Moving Forward on Fairness for Women in the Workplace

Wage Discrimination and the Fight for Fair Pay

In a few months, the Supreme Court will decide if the women in the landmark Dukes v. Wal-Mart wage discrimination case will get their day in court to challenge unfair pay and promotions. Today, on Equal Pay Day, Senator Barbara Mikulski and Representative Rosa DeLauro will re-introduce the Paycheck Fairness Act – legislation that would establish workplace supports to help advance fair, discrimination-free workplaces. Both are big news in the fight for fair pay this year, and both represent critical ways to combat the wage discrimination that continues to hurt America’s women and their families.