Fair Pay
Women and Families of Color Cannot Wait for Equal Pay

Women and Families of Color Cannot Wait for Equal Pay

It’s Equal Pay Day. Today, we recognize that women have had to work nearly a quarter of the year to make the same amount as their male counterparts did last year. On average, women who work full time in the United States are still paid $10,622 less per year than full-time working men.

When Women Do Better, Families Do Better and the Nation Can Thrive

When Women Do Better, Families Do Better and the Nation Can Thrive

President Obama hit the mark during his recent Women’s History Month address on fair pay when he said that “achieving equal pay for equal work isn’t just a women’s issue. It’s a family issue.” At the National Partnership, we’ve been saying the same thing for decades: when women do better, families do better. It couldn’t be more true.

Women and Families of Color Cannot Wait for Equal Pay

A Historic Tuesday in the Fight for Fair Pay

It’s fitting that the landmark pay discrimination case, Wal-Mart v. Dukes, is being argued before the Supreme Court today, Tuesday, March 29th. Equal Pay Day, which marks how far into the year women must work to match the amount paid to men in the previous year, falls on a Tuesday.

Right Over Might: The Women of Wal-Mart Fight for Fair Pay

Record High Number of Discrimination Claims Alarming

Last week, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)—the agency that enforces federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination—announced that charges of discrimination hit an unprecedented level in 2010. News coverage over the past few days has focused on who or what is to blame, and what this could mean for the future.

Women and Families of Color Cannot Wait for Equal Pay

Continuing the March toward Equality

A few weeks ago, voters sent a clear message: They want Congress to work in a bipartisan manner to address the issues facing working families. But when Senators took their first vote after returning to Washington, they missed the chance to do just that. Yesterday’s vote on the Paycheck Fairness Act was a failed opportunity and a real disappointment for all of us who care about fairness, women’s progress, and economic security for working families.

When Women Do Better, Families Do Better and the Nation Can Thrive

Final Hour for Fair Pay?!

Today, the Senate returns to Washington — and the Paycheck Fairness Act is one of the first bills on its agenda. Passing the Paycheck Fairness Act is more important than ever.

Time is running out – Call now!

Time is running out – Call now!

Congress has only a few weeks left before it adjourns for the election – and the Senate still hasn’t taken up the Paycheck Fairness Act. Time is running out, and women deserve – and need – fair pay.

When Women Do Better, Families Do Better and the Nation Can Thrive

Today of All Days, Be Heard!

Today is Women’s Equality Day, when we celebrate the fact that, 90 years ago, a group of dedicated women and men made history when the 19th Amendment passed, guaranteeing a woman’s right to vote.

Women and Families of Color Cannot Wait for Equal Pay

Time to Step Up!

Today the Obama Administration issued a rousing call to action on two of the most important priorities for working women and families — equal pay for equal work, and strong work-family policies.

Women and Families of Color Cannot Wait for Equal Pay

This Morning at the White House…

They’ll be talking about you and me, when Vice President Biden hosts an event focusing on some of the issues that matter most to women’s economic security: equal pay and work-family policies.

Time is running out – Call now!

Mother’s Day

My mother has worked full-time in New York for most of her life. New data from the Center for American Progress shows that because of the wage gap between men and women, my mom lost out on $312,000 over her working life.