Paid Leave
Honoring America’s Grandparents

Honoring America’s Grandparents

Grandparents Day is a time to celebrate grandparents and the many ways they support and unite our families. It’s also a moment to consider whether we as a nation are doing all that we can to honor their contributions. 

Expanding Access to Family Leave in Pennsylvania

15 out of 51? Dads Expect Better

This weekend, we celebrate dads. Fathers serve as both breadwinners and caregivers in most families, just as women do. And that’s why our nation’s dads a well as its moms need workplace policies that are more family friendly.

Honoring America’s Grandparents

Seniors in America Today: “Not a Pretty Picture”

Earlier this week, I was privileged to be a part of Volunteers of America’s third annual discussion on aging issues. I was on a panel with Arianna Huffington, Huffington Post co-founder and editor-in-chief; Mike King, National President and CEO of Volunteers of America, Inc.; and Lorraine Cortés-Vázquez, AARP Executive Vice President of Multicultural Markets and Engagement. Our topic: How our nation’s public policies affect older Americans, especially women.