abortion access

Threats on All Fronts

REPORT | We still find that states that have banned or are likely to ban abortion also overwhelmingly fail women on a range of key work and care policies. Yet, we also find that many states have taken key steps to advance women's health and economic freedom, and point...

Minimum Wage and Abortion Access

In the United States, people with lower incomes, people with disabilities, and people of color have never fully enjoyed reproductive freedom. Whether a person wants to have a child or wants to not have children, their ability to exercise these rights has consistently...

Bad Medicine

States across the country are increasingly enacting laws mandating how health care providers must practice medicine, regardless of the provider’s professional judgment and the needs of his or her patients. As this report explains, these laws undermine the high...

Statement of Debra L. Ness at the March for Womens Lives

Wow! What a thrill it is to look out on this sea of pro-choice faces, to know that hundreds of thousands of people have come from all over the country – all over the world – to stand up for women’s lives. It’s been a long time since America’s pro-choice majority has...

Executive Summary of Alito Report: Tipping the Balance

That is why the National Partnership for Women & Families looked closely at Judge Alito’s available record, examining his writings and opinions on a range of issues from employment to reproductive rights to affirmative action, and more.