“The accommodation the administration offered this morning is a smart and very reasonable move that will protect women’s health and also address the concerns raised by opponents of contraception. We commend President Obama for standing with women in the face of the furious and baseless attacks on women’s access to contraceptive coverage over the last week.
Now religiously-affiliated institutions that serve the public and employ workers of different faiths will have a special accommodation — but insurers will fill the gap and women will have the contraceptive coverage they need. That is what matters most. We intend to monitor implementation carefully to be sure there is no gap in contraceptive coverage for any woman, no matter where she works.
Everyone who cares about women’s health should be pleased with this accommodation, and should get behind the new rule.
Sadly, the threat to women’s contraceptive coverage is not over. We strongly urge Senators Rubio and Manchin to withdraw their legislation. If they do not, it should be soundly defeated in both houses.
Birth control is basic health care for women. It’s time to focus on improving women’s health and ensuring that health reform achieves its promise for all of us.”