Press Statement
Anti-Choice Bill Passed in House Today is ‘Dangerous, Discriminatory Legislation,’ Women’s Leader Says

“Anti-choice extremists in the U.S. House of Representatives once again demonstrated their willingness to prioritize politics over women’s health today by passing the dangerous ‘Conscience Protection Act.’ This bill would sanction outright discrimination by allowing employers, insurers and hospitals to refuse to provide reproductive health care services, including abortion care, based on their personal or religious beliefs.

The Conscience Protection Act is dangerous, discriminatory legislation designed to block women’s access to abortion care. For example, a hospital could rely on the Conscience Protection Act to turn away a woman in an emergency situation who needs an abortion or refuse to provide a woman information about her treatment options. This legislation is a license for providers to discriminate against women and undermine their access to essential, constitutionally protected health care.

We urge the President to veto this dangerous legislation.”

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The National Partnership for Women & Families is a nonprofit, nonpartisan advocacy group dedicated to promoting fairness in the workplace, reproductive health and rights, access to quality, affordable health care and policies that help all people meet the dual demands of work and family.

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