
Pregnant Congresswoman Blasts ‘Unreasonable’ House Voting Rules – Newsweek

“‘The National Partnership for Women and Families endorsed this bill because it’s a good bill. There’s lots of reasons this is important but it’s really to modernize this institution,’ Lovinger told Newsweek. ‘These rules were made for a body of old white men. It’s not going to work anymore. This is a simple way to make it better for new parents to be able to continue to vote while still on leave but also take care of their families.'”

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Largest U.S. Survey of Birth Experiences to be Released Summer 2025

Today, Moms Rising/Mamás con Poder and Black Mamas Matter Alliance joined the National Partnership for Women & Families to announce Listening to Mothers IV, a nationwide initiative to hear directly from mothers about being pregnant, giving birth, and supporting themselves and their babies postpartum.

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Black feminists launch billboards highlighting abortion in north Omaha – KMTV News Omaha

“‘The former president has been all over the map in terms of what he says about abortion access, about reproductive rights and about access to different forms of reproductive health care,’ said Jocelyn Frye, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families. ‘There is an active effort to really deny folks access to IVF and other sorts of reproductive health care. People are right to be worried.'”

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Could Trump administration usher in mandates to cover IVF treatment? Maryland is there already. – The Baltimore Sun

“‘The former president has been all over the map in terms of what he says about abortion access, about reproductive rights and about access to different forms of reproductive health care,’ said Jocelyn Frye, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families. ‘There is an active effort to really deny folks access to IVF and other sorts of reproductive health care. People are right to be worried.'”

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National Partnership for Women & Families Statement on the 2024 Elections

Our mission at the National Partnership to make concrete improvements in the lives of women and families is not contingent on any one candidate or any one election. We are squarely focused on pursuing the policies that women say they want and need and the policies that can make their lives better, help them navigate work-family conflicts, access reproductive health care, become economically stable, and secure fair pay.

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