President Obama has made a wonderful choice, and this is a wonderful day for our country. In choosing Sonia Sotomayor, a superbly qualified nominee who is Latina, President Obama has opened a door that had been closed for too long, and brought a fresh perspective and brilliant legal mind to the Supreme Court.
A sharp, tough and unflaggingly fair jurist, Judge Sotomayor’s qualifications are beyond dispute, and her legal and judicial experience will be unmatched on the Court. She is a moderate who understands in deep and very personal ways how laws affect the lives and prospects of real people in this country. Judge Sotomayor is committed to equal justice under the law, and has deservedly won praise from those with diverse legal and political views.
This is one of the most important decisions President Obama has made in his presidency. In choosing a highly qualified, inspirational jurist, he made it well. We expect the Senate to confirm Judge Sotomayor without delay.
This is a good day for the federal judiciary, and for our nation.