Abortion Access
Abortion Exceptionalism: How the New Louisiana Law Classifying Medication Abortion as a “Controlled Substance” Compromises Health Care

Abortion Exceptionalism: How the New Louisiana Law Classifying Medication Abortion as a “Controlled Substance” Compromises Health Care

Abortion exceptionalism is the singling out of abortion care for special treatment or regulation. Although Roe originally established abortion as a fundamental right, abortion has been severely restricted and stigmatized by government policy including Louisiana’s recent scheduling of medication abortion pills.

Miscarriage Care Is Abortion Care Is Health Care

Miscarriage Care Is Abortion Care Is Health Care

I knew the saying “abortion is healthcare.” But it didn’t really hit me until that exact moment that my intellectual knowledge, passion for reproductive rights, and lived experience came together. Abortion IS healthcare! It was the healthcare I needed to protect my health, and it was a procedure that I needed to have in order to try to get pregnant again.