Jocelyn Frye
We Must Fight Back Against the Supreme Court’s Attacks on Women’s Equality

At the March on Washington, Black women were sidelined. 60 years later, the need to center Black women is as urgent as ever

As America marks the 60th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, one controversy we should not overlook is how Black women leaders — who made vital contributions to the movement as organizers, strategists, and frontline foot soldiers — were relegated to a limited, single speaking segment at the March.

We Must Fight Back Against the Supreme Court’s Attacks on Women’s Equality

“The Hope for Freedom is Contagious”

To commemorate Juneteenth, National Partnership President Jocelyn Frye joins Aimee Peoples — our Vice President for Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Anti-Racism — for a conversation on what the holiday means to her and to the work of our organization.

We Must Fight Back Against the Supreme Court’s Attacks on Women’s Equality

FMLA at 30: Persisting Toward Paid Leave

As the FMLA turns 30, we should use this opportunity to celebrate its legacy – and reflect upon how much further our country still has to go when it comes to supporting workers in balancing their personal and professional lives. It’s time we make comprehensive, paid family and medical leave a reality for every worker in America.