We’re launching our new Women 2024 Action Fund this Giving Tuesday because women cannot continue bearing the brunt of Congress’ dysfunction and inaction.
Airbnb Takes a Strong Stand Against Discrimination
Those of us who have spent our careers fighting discrimination in all its forms have been deeply concerned by reports of bias by Airbnb hosts, and allegations that Airbnb’s platform might have helped facilitate some of the discrimination.
Extraordinary: Facebook Says ‘Not On Our Watch’ to Poverty Wages, Family Unfriendly Policies
The move makes for an extraordinary moment in the effort to establish more fair and family friendly workplaces in this country.
Messages That Matter This Mother’s Day
“For everything you’ve taught me…” “For always being there…” “For all the sacrifices you’ve made… thanks, Mom.” These and messages like them are what mothers across the country will be reading in greeting cards and hearing from loved ones this weekend. But, for mothers who hold jobs, one reality is missing from these heartfelt sentiments.
Back to the Office at Yahoo
National Partnership President Debra Ness talks to the New York Times about Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer’s decision to end the company’s work-from-home policy.
Because Everyone Matters
The National Partnership is proud to support the new Everyone Matters campaign.
Yahoo Sets an Example by Hiring a Pregnant CEO, But There’s More to the Story for Working Mothers
Ever since the news broke this week that Yahoo has hired Marissa Mayer to be its new chief executive officer, the media has been abuzz about the fact that she’ll be the first-ever pregnant CEO of a Fortune 500 company.