Danielle Mathias is the Senior Digital Content Specialist at the National Partnership.
Dior Seck
Dior Seck is the Senior Accountant at the National Partnership for Woman & Families. Reporting directly from the Director of Finance, Dior Seck is responsible for performing accounting, financial processing, and data management functions. This includes systems...
Sarah Coombs
Sarah Coombs is director for health system transformation at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where she manages policy and programmatic work on health access and system transformation, including health equity, health coverage and affordability, and...
Gail Zuagar
Gail Zuagar is a senior communications specialist at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where she works to amplify the organization’s economic justice work to a range of audiences. Prior to joining the National Partnership, Gail developed a passion for...
Karen Pesapane Zadravec
Karen Pesapane Zadravec is the director for data strategy at the National Partnership for Women & Families.Karen has more than 15 years of progressive fundraising experience and enjoys learning something new every day. She feels fortunate to raise her children in the...
Corinna Dragulescu
Corinna Dragulescu is the chief financial officer at the National Partnership for Women & Families. As chief financial officer, Dragulescu has primary oversight responsibility for strategic financial planning for the National Partnership. She manages all accounting...
Natasha Ewell
Natasha Ewell is the senior operations and human resources manager at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where she works to keep the office running smoothly day to day.Prior to her work at the National Partnership, Natasha has worked with different...
Michelle Feit (McGrain)
Michelle Feit is the Director of Congressional Relations, Economic Justice at the National Partnership for Women & Families. Michelle develops and executes federal legislative strategy for the National Partnership’s economic justice portfolio, which focuses on...
LaKisha Wiley
LaKisha Wiley is the accounts payable specialist at the National Partnership for Women & Families.
Constance Torian
Constance Torian is the chief of staff at the National Partnership for Women & Families where she manages internal and external strategy for the President and organization. She has spent her professional career as an operator, using and growing multiple skill sets to...
Jesse Matton
Jesse Matton is the director of corporate social impact policies on the congressional relations and social impact team. Jesse builds alliances with corporations and other private sector stakeholders to identify common policy priorities and develop partnerships that...
Mona Papillon
Mona Papillon is the chief operating officer at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where she is responsible for leading National Partnership infrastructure and operations functions to ensure effective management and oversight across the organization and to...
Jaclyn Dean
Jaclyn hails from Dallas, Texas, and is the proud daughter of Taiwanese immigrants. She is the Director of Congressional Relations, Reproductive Health, at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where she manages the organization’s relationships on the...
Llenda Jackson-Leslie
Llenda Jackson-Leslie is a senior communications specialist at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where she works to showcase reproductive health and health care issues. Prior to her work at the National Partnership, Llenda was a senior communications...
Travis Hunter
Travis Hunter is the director of information technology at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where he oversees the streamlined operation of the organization’s IT infrastructure and ensures that it aligns with the strategic objectives of the...
Tucker Ball
Tucker Ball is chief digital officer at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where he leads a fabulous team responsible for the organization’s digital communications and engagement efforts … from social media to online fundraising to website...
Jessica Mason
Jessica Mason is the senior policy analyst for Economic Justice at the National Partnership for Women & Families, where she oversees in-house research and data analysis, tracks developments in academic and other research and develops advocacy resources related to the...
Judith L. Lichtman
Judith L. Lichtman has been a guiding and influential force in the women's movement for more than 40 years. She stepped down as president of the National Partnership for Women & Families in 2004, and is presently senior advisor at the National Partnership. Her...
Amaya Smith
Amaya Smith is vice president for marketing and communications at the National Partnership for Women & Families. In that role she oversees strategic messaging as well as digital and earned communications around issues important to women and families. These issues...
Erin Mackay
Erin Mackay is the managing director for health justice at the National Partnership for Women & Families. Erin supports strategic and operational planning, and also leads a portfolio of Health Justice programs and projects. Erin is a respected consumer advocate with...