A powerful new report released this week paints a dire picture for workers in the restaurant industry.
Widespread Inequality in the Restaurant Industry Means Hardship for Women Workers
There are more than 10 million restaurant workers in the United States. The majority are women. These are the hosts and hostesses who greet us, the waiters and waitresses who serve us, the bartenders who fill our drink orders, the attendants and dishwashers who clean up after us, set up our tables, and more.
Through the Looking Glass on Contraceptive Coverage
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Birth control is basic health care for women.
Paid Sick Days Activity – and Energy – Continues in 2012!
2011 was a historic year in the effort to guarantee workers the right to earn paid sick days.
After 39 Years, Let’s End the War on Women
It’s been 39 years since the U.S. Supreme Court decided Roe v. Wade – but the battles over access to the full range of reproductive health care services still rage on.
At Stake: A Fundamental Protection for Millions of Workers
It may be the single most important law ever passed to address the needs of workers trying to meet their work and family responsibilities.
Toward a More Family Friendly Nation
It’s not literally the 99 percent versus the privileged few, but it’s one of the most noteworthy divides I have seen.
Public Health Advocates Get Behind Paid Sick Days
This year, we have seen incredible momentum in the fight for paid sick days laws.
Shameful: Partisan Politics Block Another Highly Qualified Judicial Nominee
All year, we’ve seen partisan politics impede the progress America needs — from jobs to anti-discrimination measures to work and family advances to the safety net.
Birth Control Under Attack
Anti-choice extremists are trying to undermine women’s right to birth control under the Affordable Care Act.
New Study: Lack of Paid Sick Days Contributed to Millions of H1N1 Cases
A new study published in the American Journal of Public Health shows that various racial and ethnic groups were at greater risk of exposure to H1N1 during the pandemic because they didn’t have access to paid sick days.
Keep Medicaid Safe to Keep Women Healthy!
With a little over a week for the Congressional super committee to complete its work, we must raise our voices to ensure Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are protected in the final deficit reduction package.
Why Now is the Time to Support, Not Undermine, Medicaid
The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH), as the only national organization advocating for reproductive justice and health for millions of Latinas, their families and their communities, strongly urges the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, or “Supercommittee” to reexamine their logic when considering cuts or reforms to Medicaid in order to achieve deficit reduction.
How Washington’s Budget Priorities Injure Immigrant Women
Many women in the United States take a huge step forward under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
Gaps in Access to Paid Leave are Significant, Sustained – and Unacceptable
The Census Bureau released a report last week that every family and every lawmaker should note.
New Poll: Young People Need Paid Sick Days Too
Demos and Young Invincibles released a timely new report today on the barriers to economic success facing young adults in the United States.
Getting Back on Track with Family Friendly Policies
As National Work and Family Month drew to a close this time last year, working families were hopeful that the upcoming election would mean that the economy would turn around, families would regain control of their finances and economic security, and the country would finally get back on track after a crippling recession.
Welcome Progress, But the Final Verdict on ACOs Is Yet to Come
Last week, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) may have done what once seemed impossible. Its final rule on Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) seems to have put an end to the rancor and bitter debate on this particular issue, shaping a framework that just about all parties can accept.
An Important First Step for Philly
In a significant victory for workers in Philadelphia, the City Council voted 15-2 to pass a provision providing workers at businesses that contract with or receive financial support from the city to the right to earn paid sick days.
Realizing the Full Potential of Health Reform
When it passed, we recognized the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the greatest advance for women’s health in a generation.