Debra L. Ness

Keep Medicaid Safe to Keep Women Healthy!

With a little over a week for the Congressional super committee to complete its work, we must raise our voices to ensure Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are protected in the final deficit reduction package.

Why Now is the Time to Support, Not Undermine, Medicaid

The National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health (NLIRH), as the only national organization advocating for reproductive justice and health for millions of Latinas, their families and their communities, strongly urges the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction, or “Supercommittee” to reexamine their logic when considering cuts or reforms to Medicaid in order to achieve deficit reduction.

New Study Reveals Dire Conditions for Restaurant Workers

Getting Back on Track with Family Friendly Policies

As National Work and Family Month drew to a close this time last year, working families were hopeful that the upcoming election would mean that the economy would turn around, families would regain control of their finances and economic security, and the country would finally get back on track after a crippling recession.

An Important First Step for Philly

In a significant victory for workers in Philadelphia, the City Council voted 15-2 to pass a provision providing workers at businesses that contract with or receive financial support from the city to the right to earn paid sick days.