fair pay

Native American Women and the Wage Gap

FACT SHEET | The wages of Native women are driven down by a number of factors that they are likely to encounter in the workplace and labor market, including gender and racial discrimination, workplace harassment, job segregation and a lack of workplace policies that...

America’s Women and the Wage Gap

FACT SHEET | Overall, women in the United States are paid 75 cents for every dollar paid to men. The wage gap widened in 2023 from 2022 – the first time this has happened since 2003. When women lose income, their economic security and that of their families is...

Paid Leave Will Help Close the Gender Wage Gap

FACT SHEET | The wage gap illustrates the high cost women are paying for our nation’s policy failure, including our lack of paid family and medical leave to support family caregiving, which is still most often performed by women.

The Paycheck Fairness Act

FACT SHEET | Enactment of the Paycheck Fairness Act would be a critical step forward in the fight for fair pay for women.

Gender and Geography of Higher-Income Workers

Nationally, 16.5 percent of full-time, year-round workers have earnings of $100,000 or more – an estimated 19.2 million people. Due to the gender wage gap, men are more likely than women to have earnings above this threshold: 20.6 percent of men (13.5 million) working...