
What Does the New Congress Mean for Family Policy? – New York Times

“Jocelyn Frye, the president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, who calls herself an “eternal optimist” about policy at the federal level, said she believes the conversation has moved forward in recent years. “The path is complicated, but the urgency is real” and “the support for the policies is real.” Going forward, she added, “the conversation will be less about whether there’s a value in paid leave, and increasingly a conversation about what paid leave should look like.”

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Abortion didn’t win in the South – Fuller Project

“Advocates in the South say “abortion won” is not only untrue in their state, it misses the point. Abortion should be seen as a healthcare issue, not a political one, and access to healthcare shouldn’t sway by state or election year, Shaina Goodman, director for reproductive health and rights at the National Partnership for Women and Families, told me.”

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The sprint to the end-of-year spending package – POLITICO

“At an event Tuesday with advocacy groups Protect Our Care and the National Partnership for Women & Families, Reps. Lauren Underwood (D-Ill.) and Robin Kelly (D-Ill.) said they’ve been discussing the bill with congressional leadership. They emphasized their support for a year of postpartum Medicaid coverage.”

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Best practices for modern FMLA management – HRD America

“In addition to their health benefits remaining intact, those employees are also guaranteed to keep their job for when they return. Nearly 15 million workers take FMLA leaves each year, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families.”

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“It’s Time to Roll Up Our Sleeves and Get to Work”: Reps. Kelly and Underwood Join Protect Our Care in Calling for Improving Medicaid Coverage in End of Year Congressional Package – Protect Our Care

U.S. Representatives Robin Kelly (IL-02) and Lauren Underwood (IL-14) joined Sarah Coombs from the National Partnership for Women and Families and Protect Our Care for a press event to discuss how the Congressional end-of-year package provides a critical opportunity to improve coverage for children, moms, and everyone on Medicaid.

“No matter the final outcome of the House, Congress has too much unfinished business to kick the can on critical policies that would help minimize health coverage disruptions, mitigate the maternal and infant mortality crisis, and protect the economic security of women and families. Congress must act now,” said Sarah Coombs with the National Partnership for Women & Families.

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