Economic Justice
Leading Women’s Group Gives Lifetime Achievement Award to Senator Barbara Mikulski, Honors Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Robert E. Moritz of PwC LLP

Leading Women’s Group Gives Lifetime Achievement Award to Senator Barbara Mikulski, Honors Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Burwell, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand and Robert E. Moritz of PwC LLP

Nearly 1,000 members of the women’s, congressional, legal, health, labor, civil rights and other communities turned out at the Washington Hilton Hotel tonight to help the National Partnership for Women & Families celebrate its 45th anniversary and honor key...

Give workers much-needed relief: Paid sick time – Chicago Sun-Times Magazine

Gender Equality in U.S. Jobs Might Not Be as Bad as You Think – Bloomberg

“The U.S. is woefully behind when it comes to family-friendly policies like paid maternity leave, paid parental leave, paid sick leave, when it comes to some measure of recognition about women’s leadership,” said Vicki Shabo, a vice president at the National Partnership for Women & Families. “I think that has real consequences for how women are able to get into and advance in the workplace and in the economy.”

Give workers much-needed relief: Paid sick time – Chicago Sun-Times Magazine

Every Office Needs a 79 Percent Clock – The Daily Best

Vicki Shabo, vice president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, advised MTV on the policy issues and research studies relevant to the issue of gender-based pay quality. “The 79 percent number is known, but people don’t always consider the consequences. Reducing the median American income by $10,700 for women translates into 83 weeks of food, or 11 months of rent, or nine years of birth control,” she told The Daily Beast.

Give workers much-needed relief: Paid sick time – Chicago Sun-Times Magazine

The Pay Gap Is Costing Women $500 Billion Per Year – Mother Jones

“It is unacceptable that the wage gap has persisted, punishing the country’s women and families for decades,” wrote Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership, in a press release. “At a time when women’s wages are so critical to the economic well-being of families, the country is counting on lawmakers to work together to advance strong, fair and family friendly workplace policies that would promote equal pay.”

Give workers much-needed relief: Paid sick time – Chicago Sun-Times Magazine

Paid parental leave: Finally coming to America? – CBS Moneywatch

“I’m optimistic that in not too long the U.S. will join the rest of the world,” said Vicki Shabo, vice president of the National Partnership for Women and Families. “We are the only high-wealth developed country that doesn’t guarantee paid paternity leave, and one of two that doesn’t offer sick leave to workers. Of the whole world, we’re one of two countries — us and Papua New Guinea — that don’t guarantee paid leave for new moms.” Shabo cited a survey of 185 nations by the International Labour Organization.

Give workers much-needed relief: Paid sick time – Chicago Sun-Times Magazine

San Francisco becomes first US city to mandate fully paid parental leave – The Guardian

Vicki Shabo, vice-president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, said the San Francisco measure could help boost momentum at the national level. “It’s great to see local leaders stepping up,” she said, noting that California’s first-of-its-kind law served as a model for other states. “There’s a growing consensus that the nation must do something to address this.”