“Every family in America has a stake in the outcome of this case,” said Judith L. Lichtman, a senior advisor to the National Partnership for Women and Families, which submitted a friend-of-the-court brief on behalf of 12 groups committed to maternal and fetal health.
Is This Pregnancy-Discrimination Case the Next Lilly Ledbetter? – TIME
“Here we are at the end of 2014, talking about pregnancy discrimination, which we women’s rights advocates thought we had addressed and basically fixed in 1978,” says Judith Lichtman, senior adviser at the National Partnership of Women and Families.
The Woman Who’s Making a Difference for Pregnant Workers – Ms. Magazine Blog
On Nov. 24, the Center for American Progress, the National Women’s Law Center and the National Partnership for Women & Families hosted a webinar on pregnancy job discrimination and Young v. UPS. Several experts, including Michele Jawando, Rachel Lyons, Diane Feldman and Emily Martin, discussed the case, the historical context of pregnancy discrimination and information on how to take action—and it’s clear that Young has already made a difference for pregnant workers.
Women’s Health and Medical Groups Urge U.S. Supreme Court to Affirm Equal Treatment and Protect the Health of Pregnant Workers
Amicus Brief Calls on the Court to Affirm the Intent of the Pregnancy Discrimination Act
As Court Rulings Collide, Women’s Health Expert Stresses that Millions of Women and Families Will be Harmed if Courts Deny Subsidized Health Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
An Outraged Nation Looks to Congress to Restore Women’s Birth Control Coverage; “Congress Cannot Act Quickly Enough to Right This Wrong,” Women’s Leader Says
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
“Deeply Troubling” Supreme Court Rulings Take Country Backward, Undermine Women’s Health and Sanction Discrimination
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
While Narrow, Supreme Court Ruling in McCullen vs. Coakley Is “Disappointing”
Statement of Judith L. Lichtman, Senior Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families
Critics to High Court: ‘Buffer’ Ruling Extreme – Women’s eNews
“The Court is giving extremists freer rein to intimidate and harass women,” said Judith Lichtman, senior advisor of the National Partnership for Women and Families. She added that the ruling in McCullen vs. Coakley makes it harder for women to safely access the reproductive health care they need.
White House Steps Up Effort to Confirm Federal Judges – New York Times
“One just has to be awake and aware to be worried,” said Judith L. Lichtman, a senior adviser to the National Partnership for Women and Families, one of several liberal organizations dedicated to issues like women’s rights, gay rights and the environment that are trying to refocus Democrats’ attention on the courts.
“No Woman Should Be Denied Coverage for Birth Control Because of Where She Works,” Lichtman Says, Calling Contraception Opponents “Mean-Spirited and Dangerous”
Statement of Judith L. Lichtman, Senior Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families
Supreme Court’s Decision to Uphold Injunction is Disappointing, But Upcoming For-Profit Corporation Cases On Contraceptive Coverage Will Affect Many More Women, Women’s Health Leader Says
“The U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to maintain a temporary injunction blocking the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive coverage requirement for a non-profit nursing home is disappointing, but the Court was clear that this was not a decision about the...
Confirmation of Nina Pillard Strengthens Nation’s Courts
Statement of Judith L. Lichtman, Senior Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families
Updated: Pillard makes five women judges on D.C. Circuit; groups say she will ‘strengthen’ court – Legal Newsline
Judith Lichtman, senior advisor for the National Partnership for Women and Families, said Thursday Pillard’s confirmation will help not only the D.C. Circuit but also the nation’s federal courts.
Justices to Consider If Secular Companies Can Deny Women Contraceptive Coverage – Bloomberg BNA
Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women& Families, said there is “a tremendous amount at stake” in these cases. The court’s ultimate decision “will have a profound impact on women’s health and well-being,” she said.
Supreme Court to Consider Birth Control Mandate – MedPage Today
“We urge the court to uphold the contraceptive coverage requirement, and let doctors and their patients decide which health services women need,” Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families, said in a statement. “No woman should be denied coverage for birth control because of where she works.”
Women’s Leader Says Employers Must Not Be Allowed to Deny Women Coverage for Birth Control, Warns of “Dangerous Intrusion by Employers on Women’s Health”
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Women’s Leader Lauds Supreme Court Ruling in Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin
Statement of Judith L. Lichtman, Senior Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families
Supreme Court Ruling in Supervisor Harassment Case “Deeply Troubling,” Could Have “Grave Consequences” for Victims and Undermine Equal Employment Opportunity, Women’s Leader Says
Statement of Judith L. Lichtman, Senior Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families
Senate Should Quickly Confirm Pillard, Wilkins and Millett to U.S. Court of Appeals
Statement of Judith L. Lichtman, Senior Advisor, National Partnership for Women & Families