Paid Sick Days
Swine flu — and no paid sick leave  –

Just grateful to have a job – GazetteXtra

The spotlight of the Great Recession has been properly on the nearly 10 percent of workers who are unemployed. But there has been far less said about the collateral damage on the 90 percent who “still have a job” but are looking at the empty seats. …

Swine flu — and no paid sick leave  –

Momentum Seen for Requiring Paid Sick Leave – New York Times

“The National Partnership for Women and Families, an advocacy group based in Washington, has been pressing for a federal Healthy Families Act, which would guarantee seven paid sick days per year for workers at businesses with 15 or more employees, to be used to recover from routine illness, care for a sick family member, or seek services to recover from domestic violence.”

Swine flu — and no paid sick leave  –

A Sick Situation – New York Times

For single-parent homes, or for families that depend on two incomes, “This could be the beginning of a spiral into economic disaster,” says Debra L. Ness, the president of the National Partnership for Women and Families.