“On the one hand, you have all of our top officials saying, ‘Do the responsible thing. If you’re sick, stay home,'” says Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, a Washington, D.C.-based advocacy group that is pushing for paid sick leave laws.
Just grateful to have a job – GazetteXtra
The spotlight of the Great Recession has been properly on the nearly 10 percent of workers who are unemployed. But there has been far less said about the collateral damage on the 90 percent who “still have a job” but are looking at the empty seats. …
New Legislation Positions New York City to Become Fourth Municipality to Adopt Paid Sick Days
City Council Bill to be Introduced Today with Majority Support
Momentum Seen for Requiring Paid Sick Leave – New York Times
“The National Partnership for Women and Families, an advocacy group based in Washington, has been pressing for a federal Healthy Families Act, which would guarantee seven paid sick days per year for workers at businesses with 15 or more employees, to be used to recover from routine illness, care for a sick family member, or seek services to recover from domestic violence.”
Paid Sick Days Will Improve Nation’s Health, New Study Shows
House Lawmakers Hold Hearing on Family-Friendly Legislation
Nation’s Top Work/Family Expert Applauds Introduction of Paid Sick Days Legislation, Urges Congress to Quickly Pass Bill
“Millions of workers will be able to earn up to seven paid sick days a year if Congress passes the Healthy Families Act, which was introduced yesterday in the House and will be introduced later this week in the Senate. The bill’s sponsors are Senator...
Many Workers Unable to Take Time Off – WiredPRNews.com (press release)
Debra Ness with the National Partnership for Women and Families is quoted in the report as stating of the issue, “The problem has really come into sharp relief the past few …
Swine flu or not, many workers can’t stay home – San Jose Mercury News
“The problem has really come into sharp relief the past few days,” said Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families, which has long pushed for paid sick leave. “Many people don’t even realize that almost half the private sector — 48 percent — has no sick days, not even a single one.”
Swine flu or not, many workers can’t stay home – NBC News
“The problem has really come into sharp relief the past few days,” said Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women and Families, which has long …
Time to call in sick? Swine flu outbreak underscores the need for … – Facing South
Nearly half of private sector workers in the United States don’t have a single paid sick day, said Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for …
A Sick Situation – New York Times
For single-parent homes, or for families that depend on two incomes, “This could be the beginning of a spiral into economic disaster,” says Debra L. Ness, the president of the National Partnership for Women and Families.
Swine Flu Poses Work Dilemma for Working Moms – U.S. News & World Report
“The CDC is making good suggestions, but they don’t give any thought to the half of workers who don’t have paid sick days,” says Karen Minatelli, director of the work and family programs at the National Partnership for Women and Families.
Stay Home with Swine Flu Symptoms? Not Without Paid Sick Days
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Stay Home with Swine Flu Symptoms? Not Without Paid Sick Days – Medical News Today
The following is a statement of Debra L. Ness, President National Partnership for Women & Families: “We all …
Milwaukee Becomes Third City in U.S. to Guarantee Paid Sick Days
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President, National Partnership for Women & Families
Paid Sick Days Coalition Website Wins 2008 Interactive Media Award
“Online Rally” Receives IMA Award for Outstanding Achievement, Advocacy
D.C. Becomes Second City in U.S. to Guarantee Paid Sick Days
Statement of Debra L. Ness, President,
National Partnership for Women & Families
Thousands of Americans to Rally Online Friday for Paid Sick Days
First-Ever Online Rally for a Family-Friendly Policy at EveryoneGetsSick.org
D.C. Moves Closer to Becoming Second City to Guarantee Paid Sick Days
Thousands of District Workers Would Benefit
Paid Sick Days is Topic of Congressional Briefing Tuesday
Nation’s Top Experts to Discuss San Francisco Victory, Prospects for Advances at Federal Level and in Other States