Economic Justice
This Earth Day, Let’s Treat Environmental Justice as a Gender Equity Issue

This Earth Day, Let’s Treat Environmental Justice as a Gender Equity Issue

As we celebrate Earth Day and reflect on the steps we can all take to protect our planet, it’s important to highlight that climate change doesn’t impact everyone equally. Decades of racist policies – from housing to infrastructure to economic policies – often restricted low-income communities and communities of color to areas with more environmental hazards and heavy pollution.

FMLA at 30: Persisting Toward Paid Leave

FMLA at 30: Persisting Toward Paid Leave

As the FMLA turns 30, we should use this opportunity to celebrate its legacy – and reflect upon how much further our country still has to go when it comes to supporting workers in balancing their personal and professional lives. It’s time we make comprehensive, paid family and medical leave a reality for every worker in America.

Gen Z enters a strong job market – but the future is uncertain  | #JobsDay May 2023

It’s 2023: Are We in a Recession or Not?

What, exactly, is going on with the economy these days? On one hand, there are headlines about an impending recession and on the other hand the unemployment rate is the lowest it’s been in decades. Rents are declining a bit, but still up hugely over the last year. And what about the cost of eggs?!

How Employers Can Build Gender Equity in the Workplace

How Employers Can Build Gender Equity in the Workplace

Vasu Reddy, Senior Policy Counsel for Economic Justice at the National Partnership for Women & Families, recently briefed Open to All Corporate Partners on the National Partnership’s latest report, entitled “Partnership in Action: A Guide to Building Gender Equity in the Workplace.” The guide serves as an introduction to the policies and benefits companies can implement to help women, especially women of color, return to the workforce.

Braidwood v. Becerra Poses New Threat to Women and Families

Braidwood v. Becerra Poses New Threat to Women and Families

No-Cost Preventive Services in Danger
In Braidwood Management, Judge O’Connor ruled unconstitutional a key provision of the ACA preventive health services requirement. This would undermine access to cost-free coverage for chronic disease screenings, cancer screenings, and vaccinations that over 150 million people benefit from.