Fair Pay
Eight Labor Days

Eight Labor Days

Today is the eighth and final Labor Day the country will celebrate with Barack Obama as its president. It’s well worth taking a moment to appreciate his deep and enduring commitment to equal opportunity for women in the workplace.

Eight Labor Days

Something is Wrong With Wages in America

The annual recognition of Equal Pay Day  —  the day that marks how far into the year women have had to work to catch up with what men were paid in the previous year — is always a stunning reminder of just how far we still have to go to reach true equality for women in this country.

Eight Labor Days

What Do Mothers Need? Fair Pay

It’s no surprise these days that women’s wages are essential to their families and our economy. That’s why, as our #WhatMothersNeed week of action continues, we’re talking about the urgent need for fair pay.

Eight Labor Days

Let’s Leave Mad Men-Era Pay Policies in the Past

There is a reason many of us bristle at the thought of what the nation’s workplaces were like for women during the Mad Men era: the almost universal recognition that it was a time when sexism was rampant, when women were routinely devalued, disrespected and blatantly discriminated against.

Advancing a Women’s Economic Agenda

Advancing a Women’s Economic Agenda

It’s no surprise anymore that women are essential engines in our national and family economies. Women are nearly half of the workforce, breadwinners in two-thirds of households, and primary breadwinners in 40 percent of households with children. Women and families across the country know this reality well.

Eight Labor Days

Messages That Matter This Mother’s Day

“For everything you’ve taught me…” “For always being there…” “For all the sacrifices you’ve made… thanks, Mom.” These and messages like them are what mothers across the country will be reading in greeting cards and hearing from loved ones this weekend. But, for mothers who hold jobs, one reality is missing from these heartfelt sentiments.