Paid Leave
Women Caregivers: The Unsung Superheroes

Women Caregivers: The Unsung Superheroes

As we celebrate National Family Caregivers Month, we recognize and honor family caregivers with the theme “Supercharge Your Caregiving.” It’s a time to consider how we may better support the 43.5 million people — the superheroes — who take on family caregiving responsibilities each year.

Helping Men Care: Father’s Day is the Perfect Time to Fight for Paid Leave

15 Years, Five Key Lessons: California Continues to Lead the Nation Toward Paid Leave for All

With recent attention to the country’s dismal record of making paid leave available to workers, and growing consensus around the need for a national solution, it’s easy to forget the decades of work and milestone victories that have made this moment possible. One of the first happened 15 years ago this week, when California created the nation’s first state paid family leave program.

Why Paid Leave Means… Everything

Failing Our Families

In the United States today, whether you can take a few paid sick days or a few weeks of paid family or medical leave, and whether your employer must make reasonable accommodations that allow you to continue working through your pregnancy, all depend on where you work.