Health Justice

Called to Care

Too often in our country’s history, the ability to take time to care for yourself and others while maintaining your economic security has been predominantly reserved for the white and wealthy few. Yet, it is through providing care for one another that we knit together the bonds of our families and communities.

Access, Autonomy and Dignity

Access, Autonomy and Dignity

The issue briefs in this series explore four important areas of reproductive health, rights, and justice for people with disabilities: access to abortion, access to contraception, healthy sexuality and sex education, and the right to parent.

Spotlight on Success: The Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns Initiative

The Strong Start for Mothers and Newborns Initiative was a federal five-year, multi-site project to test and evaluate enhanced prenatal care interventions for women enrolled in Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) who were at risk for having a preterm birth. One of the first Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation initiatives, it launched in 2012 to test three models of enhanced prenatal care among Medicaid beneficiaries: birth centers, group prenatal care, and maternity care homes. Midwifery-led care in birth centers generated stellar results, whereas results of the other two care models were underwhelming.

Clean Water and Reproductive Justice

Clean Water and Reproductive Justice: Lack of Access Harms Women of Color

Many communities across the country cannot trust the safety of their water and cannot afford to pay more for cleaner water. Frequently, Black, Latinx, Asian American and Pacific Islander communities, lower-income communities, rural communities, and communities living at the intersections of these identities struggle daily to access safe, affordable water, and their health is disproportionately harmed as a result.

Lead Poisoning in Flint, Michigan

The water poisoning in Flint caused undeniable harm to residents’ reproductive health. Analyzing health records from 2008 to 2015, researchers found that fertility rates in Flint dropped by 12 percent and fetal deaths rose by 58 percent

Conoce tus derechos: Permisos pagados por enfermedad y permisos para cuidado infantil durante el coronavirus

La pandemia del coronavirus está afectando a casi todo el país y la Ley de Respuesta al Coronavirus ‘Familias Primero’ (FFCRA) les da a muchos trabajadores el derecho a solicitar permisos pagados por enfermedad y permisos familiares pagados en caso de algunas situaciones sanitarias y familiares asociadas con el coronavirus, incluyendo cuarentenas y cuidado infantil.

Paid Sick Days Enhance Women’s Abortion Access and Economic Security

Everyone needs time to access health care without risking their economic stability. Paid sick days allow a person to recover from short-term illnesses, access preventive care, undergo a basic medical procedure or care for a sick child or family member. Yet, more than 34 million people working in the private sector don’t have a single paid sick day and, for too many of them, taking time away from work to attend to their health means risking their jobs and financial stability.