Economic Justice
Standing Up for Women & Families in 2017

The Gender Wage Gap is a Symptom We Cannot Ignore

Equal Pay Day, April 4, is the day that marks how far into 2017 women have had to work to be paid the same amount men were paid in 2016. It’s a stunning indication that something is seriously wrong, and a time to ask what we’re doing as a nation to fix the problem

Maryland Senate Makes History

The Maryland Senate has approved a statewide paid sick days standard, bringing the state the closest it has ever been to joining the nearly 40 jurisdictions across the country with paid sick days laws. This is a historic advance for Marylanders, as well as advocates and lawmakers who have been working for years to secure such a standard.

Scarier than your worst 90’s outfit

Scarier than your worst 90’s outfit

Throwback Thursday (#TBT) is usually a lighthearted way to show off your best (or worst) 90’s outfit or that funny picture of you as a toddler – but today’s #TBT is not nearly so amusing. Right now, extremists in Congress are working to undermine women’s health and access to care by repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

Scarier than your worst 90’s outfit

Worse than Your Embarrassing Prom Photo

While you may not be able to prevent an embarrassing prom photo from popping up on Facebook today (#TBT), thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), many women are able to access basic preventive health care services that were previously out of reach. At least for now.

Thought your #TBT ’00s style was bad?

Thought your #TBT ’00s style was bad?

Throwback Thursday (#TBT) is usually a fun way to show your friends a bad ’00s hairstyle or your embarrassing family photo from Disney World — but today’s #TBT is no laughing matter. Right now, Republicans in Congress are working to undermine women’s health and access to care by repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

A National Paid Leave Plan Must Check All the Boxes

Voters in Arizona and Washington Choose Paid Sick Days

Capping off an already historic year of progress for paid sick days, voters in Arizona and Washington approved ballot measures last week that will mean the nation will soon have seven statewide paid sick days laws. Thirty-nine jurisdictions now do – or will soon – guarantee workers the right to earn paid sick time, and efforts to protect and build upon these victories has become even more important.

Scarier than your worst 90’s outfit

Affordable Health Care and Paid Sick Days Go Hand in Hand

This week marks the start of open enrollment under the Affordable Care Act – a historic advance that has made more affordable, comprehensive health insurance coverage available to millions more consumers. But increasing access to health coverage addresses only one barrier to health care in this country. Paid sick days access is essential too.