Racial Equity
Barriers to Equal Pay for AANHPI Women

Barriers to Equal Pay for AANHPI Women

Acknowledging the unique wage gap between white men and AANHPI women is more important than ever, and forces us to take a closer look at the many myths and barriers in the way of achieving pay equity for AANHPI women in particular.

Celebrating Black Maternal Health Week 2022

Celebrating Black Maternal Health Week 2022

Black Maternal Health Week was created to raise awareness of the root causes of poor maternal health outcomes for Black women and to inspire activism in support of Black-led maternal health initiatives. Founded and led by the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, the goals of Black Maternal Health Week are to: Deepen the national conversation about Black maternal health in the US…

What We’re Listening to, Watching, and Reading During this Black History Month

Good work and good trouble: the time for voting rights is now

This weekend the coalition will continue to call on Congress to take action by participating in local actions in D.C. and in Phoenix, AZ between January 15-17. Martin Luther King III, Arndrea Waters King, and Yolanda Renee King will join elected officials, voting rights advocates, and community advocates.

Discontinuity in How We Value Immigrant Labor

Discontinuity in How We Value Immigrant Labor

National Immigrant Heritage Month is an opportunity to recognize the exceptional historic contributions immigrants have made in this country, or perhaps for some, even grapple with anti-immigrant attitudes and rhetoric that continue to marginalize and scapegoat those communities.

Rachel Reads: Ooh! She Got Money!

Rachel Reads: Ooh! She Got Money!

Black women face a unique struggle at the intersection of race and gender as it pertains to advancing their professional careers. They are systematically held at specific positions or levels in the workplace, and not always given opportunities to advance. My story is similar.

The Biden Administration’s First 100 Days and Their Impact on Women

The Biden Administration’s First 100 Days and Their Impact on Women

In many ways, Biden has women — and especially women of color — to thank for his victory in the 2020 election. And by selecting the first woman and person of color to serve as Vice President and nominating a record number of women, including nine women of color, to his cabinet, the Biden Administration has signaled a willingness to prioritize women and the issues that impact us.

Anti-Asian Sentiment in America Is Not New

Anti-Asian Sentiment in America Is Not New

When I briefly heard a report on television about the shootings that took place last week at three spa locations in Atlanta with no detail about who the victims were, I was first angry about the persistent gun violence plaguing this country.

Coming Out, Chosen Family and Celebrating Pride

Coming Out, Chosen Family and Celebrating Pride

When I came out as queer, as a freshman in high school, I did not understand how diverse, complex, and historical the LGBTQ+ community was. I came out in the months in which Obergefell v. Hodges was argued in front of the Supreme Court, and LGBTQ+ equality was becoming a mainstream discussion in the United States.

#BlackLivesMatter = #DefundThePolice

#BlackLivesMatter = #DefundThePolice

Earlier this month, the National Partnership participated in #BlackoutTuesday, interrupting our business as usual to amplify other voices instead of our own. We believed it was a good and important thing to do. And we did it with sincerity and humility. In hindsight, we also did it without fully understanding the meaning of our words.