Racial Equity
Anti-Asian Sentiment in America Is Not New

Anti-Asian Sentiment in America Is Not New

When I briefly heard a report on television about the shootings that took place last week at three spa locations in Atlanta with no detail about who the victims were, I was first angry about the persistent gun violence plaguing this country.

Coming Out, Chosen Family and Celebrating Pride

Coming Out, Chosen Family and Celebrating Pride

When I came out as queer, as a freshman in high school, I did not understand how diverse, complex, and historical the LGBTQ+ community was. I came out in the months in which Obergefell v. Hodges was argued in front of the Supreme Court, and LGBTQ+ equality was becoming a mainstream discussion in the United States.

#BlackLivesMatter = #DefundThePolice

#BlackLivesMatter = #DefundThePolice

Earlier this month, the National Partnership participated in #BlackoutTuesday, interrupting our business as usual to amplify other voices instead of our own. We believed it was a good and important thing to do. And we did it with sincerity and humility. In hindsight, we also did it without fully understanding the meaning of our words.

#BlackLivesMatter = #DefundThePolice

“Impeachment Earthquake”

Quite simply, the Trump administration is the most regressive, heartless, corrupt administration we’ve ever seen. Donald Trump’s views, his priorities, his agenda put everything on the line. Our nation deserves better. You and I deserve better. Our children and our children’s children deserve better.

#BlackLivesMatter = #DefundThePolice

We Must Show Up For Black Women and Families

As we begin 2019 Black History Month, we must renew our commitment to fighting for Black women and families and remember the reality that people of color are uniquely harmed by race discrimination and this harm is exacerbated for women of color by gender discrimination. We must commit to centering our work on people and families of color in order to address all aspects of the racism that permeate our society.

#BlackLivesMatter = #DefundThePolice

We March …

For every immigrant child who finds herself in a strange place, without the parents she loves and needs …