Economic Justice
How to Fight For Paternity Leave When Your Company Doesn’t Offer It – Fatherly – Fatherly

Guaranteed paid leave for new parents included in 2018 US budget proposal – The Guardian – The Guardian

“A paid leave plan that continues the current state-by-state patchwork, only provides six weeks of leave when we have a clearly established 12-week national standard, guarantees leave only for new parents and is not funded responsibly would do more harm than good,” Debra Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families, said in a statement.

How to Fight For Paternity Leave When Your Company Doesn’t Offer It – Fatherly – Fatherly

Could Universal Paid Family Leave Be On the Horizon? (And Why You Should Care.) – Goop – Goop

“This is a gender equality issue, an economic security issue, a competitiveness issue and—at the most basic level—a human issue. We all have families. We all get sick. We live in the wealthiest country in the world and there is no reason whatsoever that we should not have a basic paid leave standard,” said National Partnership Vice President Vicki Shabo in a Q & A interview for Goop.