Economic Justice
We Must Show Up For Black Women and Families

We Must Show Up For Black Women and Families

As we begin 2019 Black History Month, we must renew our commitment to fighting for Black women and families and remember the reality that people of color are uniquely harmed by race discrimination and this harm is exacerbated for women of color by gender discrimination. We must commit to centering our work on people and families of color in order to address all aspects of the racism that permeate our society.

A Subversion of Democracy

A Subversion of Democracy

Last month, Gov. Rick Snyder dealt a blow to democracy by gutting the state’s paid sick time law. This was just one of the intentional subversions of democratic process that occurred in Michigan and Wisconsin in the lame duck sessions.

Women Caregivers: The Unsung Superheroes

Women Caregivers: The Unsung Superheroes

As we celebrate National Family Caregivers Month, we recognize and honor family caregivers with the theme “Supercharge Your Caregiving.” It’s a time to consider how we may better support the 43.5 million people — the superheroes — who take on family caregiving responsibilities each year.

We Must Show Up For Black Women and Families

Labor Day 2018: Congress Needs to Step Up

Next week the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold hearings on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill the open seat on the Supreme Court. If Kavanaugh is confirmed, we fear — and expect, based on his record — that workers’ rights and the rights of women will be in grave jeopardy.

We Must Show Up For Black Women and Families

We March …

For every immigrant child who finds herself in a strange place, without the parents she loves and needs …