Paid Sick Days

Dispatch from Denver: Krista’s Story

Hello from the Mile High City! This is, work and family government affairs manager at the National Partnership, reporting live from Denver — home of the Broncos, the unsinkable Molly Brown and, hopefully, the fourth citywide paid sick days law.

It’s Official – Seattle Will Guarantee Paid Sick Days!

Contagion: Not Just a Movie

On the heels of the release of the new blockbuster Contagion — a frightening film about a global flu pandemic — our coalition partner Family Values @ Work has compiled real-life stories about how the flu and other illnesses can spread, particularly when more than 44 million workers in the United States have no paid sick days to use when they become ill or injured.

Connecticut Makes History

Connecticut Makes History

Today is a great day for workers in Connecticut, and a day that offers hope to tens of millions of workers throughout the country who cannot now earn paid sick time, no matter how long they hold a job or how solid their work record is.