Reproductive Rights
GOP Health Bill’s Changes Go Far Beyond Preexisting Conditions – Kaiser Health News – Kaiser Health News

If Democrats Compromise On Abortion, Women Will Pay An Enormous Price – Bustle – Bustle

When a woman who wants an abortion is denied one, she is more likely to fall into poverty than a woman who is able to get the health care she needs, according to Sarah Lipton-Lubet, the vice president for reproductive health programs at the National Partnership for Women & Families. “Access to abortion is fundamental to women’s ability to participate equally in society,” Lipton-Lubet tells Bustle.

GOP Health Bill’s Changes Go Far Beyond Preexisting Conditions – Kaiser Health News – Kaiser Health News

House GOP Advances Obamacare Repeal Targeting Women’s Health Care – Rewire – SEGCARE –

“In a callous move that imperils women’s health and economic security, the House of Representatives today passed the [AHCA], an atrocious and damaging bill that would strip health coverage from 24 million people, raise health care costs for millions more, gut Medicaid and deny millions of people access to preventive and potentially life-saving care at Planned Parenthood health centers,” Debra L. Ness, president of the National Partnership for Women & Families, said in a statement.