Economic Justice
Paid Sick Days Are Already Winning in 2016

Paid Sick Days Are Already Winning in 2016

2016 is off to a good start for many workers who used to lack access to paid sick days. On January 1, Oregon’s statewide paid sick days bill took effect. On January 6, a paid sick days law in New Brunswick, New Jersey, took effect. And today, Spokane, Wash., passed a paid sick days ordinance. 

An Inspiring Day of Action on Paid Leave

A Labor Day to Remember!

This morning, the president will issue an executive order requiring federal contractors and subcontractors to allow all employees who work on their federal contracts to earn paid sick time. When it takes effect in 2017, an estimated 300,000 more workers will earn paid sick time.

Drawing On Lessons Learned to Improve Open Enrollment for 2016

Drawing On Lessons Learned to Improve Open Enrollment for 2016

The third open enrollment period for the Affordable Care Act (ACA) health insurance marketplaces is fast-approaching — it begins November 1, 2015 — and now is the opportunity for policymakers and marketplace administrators to harness lessons learned from the previous enrollment periods to improve the plan comparison and selection process this fall.