Economic Justice

Washington Starts the Year Strong

In Washington state, January has been a good month for workers and advocates pushing for family friendly workplace policies. On Tuesday, the Tacoma City Council approved a paid sick days ordinance, making it the first city to do so in 2015, and the first jurisdiction to follow President Obama’s recent call for action the issue. And just yesterday, a statewide proposal (HB 1356) that would guarantee at least one million workers the right to earn paid sick days passed out of the House Labor Committee.

The Supreme Court Should Say ‘No’ to Pregnancy Discrimination

Strong Support for Paid Sick Days Continues

Yesterday brought further evidence of strong support for paid sick days when city councils in San Diego, Calif., and Eugene, Ore., passed ordinances that would guarantee workers access to this basic workplace protection. If the bills become law, it would mean that an additional 300,000+ workers gain the right to take up to five paid sick days a year. But the future of both bills is uncertain.